These are the basic functions contributing to the recap of BASIC PYTHON FUNCTIONS!
Let's just dig right into it:-
.upper() = UPPER-CASE
.lower()= lower-case
.print()= printing
.split('a')= splitting w.r.t 'a' in the string
'........... {}' .format('Insertion') = Inserting a new string into an existing one.
print('This is a %s' %(string) ) = %s
%5.2f = Here, 5
would be the minimum number of characters the string should contain; these may be padded with whitespace if the entire number does not have this many digits. Next to this, .2f
stands for how many numbers to show past the decimal point.
len(my_list) = tells the number of items in list.
my_list[0] = indexing
my_list + ['my list'] = concatenation of a new list.
my_list*2 = double of list
.append("something") = Join
.pop("anything") = Seperatation